Regarding the shipment without SO

from Angel at 2018-02-27:

Hi, guys

I finger some of our SHIPMENTS are without SO in our ERP system. It’s not allowed!

  1. PMC should prepare the MO according to the SO. For the wastage which should come from R&D department , should be set up in ODOO / BOM SECTION . the production department should produce according to the MO.
  2. While we have more qty after full QC inspection. Customer service / FELIX should ask the customer if they want it. If yes, CUSTOMER SERVICE MANAGER is allowed to modify the DO. Accounting issue the PI according to the DO. While FELIX is not available , I or GENE will have to do the modification in the DO base on the email confirmation from FELIX or MORITZ.
  3. ODOO records should be CORRECT.
  4. For coming next few months , PMC / LANCY should double confirm the Shipment Notification before shipment and make sure the system data is correct. Jane should follow up accordingly too.

我发现有些 递送 并没有相应的ERP系统的销售单,这是不允许的!

  1. PMC应该根据销售单安排制造单。损耗应该由开发设计部门制定,并设定到Odoo的BOM中,生产部门应该根据制造单生产。
  2. QC全检后有多余(销售单数量)的,客服/FELIX应该问询客户是否愿意接受。如果客户愿意接受,客服经理 可以修改送货单,财务根据送货单开出发票。如果FELIX不在,我(Angel)或者GENE可以根据FELIX或MORITZ的邮件确认来更改送货单。
  3. ODOO的记录必须是 准确的
  4. 接下来几个月,PMC/LANCY应该在递送前再次确认出货通知以保证系统数据是准确的。JANE也应该相应地跟进。
  5. 不允许没有销售单的递送!

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